initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Daeng Deni Mardaeni 2023-09-07 23:33:13 +07:00
commit 17f5e2c111
38 changed files with 4223 additions and 0 deletions

Config/.gitkeep Normal file
View File

Config/config.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
return [
'name' => 'Frontend'

Console/.gitkeep Normal file
View File

View File

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
namespace Modules\Frontend\Database\Seeders;
use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class FrontendDatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
* Run the database seeds.
* @return void
public function run()
// $this->call("OthersTableSeeder");

View File

Entities/.gitkeep Normal file
View File

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
namespace Modules\Frontend\Http\Controllers;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use Revolution\Google\Sheets\Facades\Sheets;
class FrontendController extends Controller
* Display a listing of the resource.
* @return Renderable
public function index()
$json = File::get('storage/kurs.json');
$kurs = json_decode($json);
if($kurs->date != date('Y-m-d')){
$json = File::get('storage/kurs.json');
$kurs = json_decode($json);
$usd = $kurs->rates->IDR/$kurs->rates->USD;
$date = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($kurs->timestamp)->locale('id')->setTimezone('Asia/Jakarta')->translatedFormat('d F Y H:i:s');
$sheets = Sheets::spreadsheet('1c2Uv3QVTyLzsJPE4uqqlMGNKO8z0Kqj6aEGh0uixAqA')->sheet('Platform')->range('A:F')->get();
$header = $sheets->pull(0);
$posts = Sheets::collection($header, $sheets);
$posts = $posts->take(5000);
$data = new Collection($posts->toArray());
$platform = $data->random(5);
return view('frontend::index', compact('kurs', 'usd','date','platform'));
public function cakupan()
$json = File::get('storage/kurs.json');
$kurs = json_decode($json);
if($kurs->date != date('Y-m-d')){
$json = File::get('storage/kurs.json');
$kurs = json_decode($json);
$usd = $kurs->rates->IDR/$kurs->rates->USD;
$date = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($kurs->timestamp)->locale('id')->setTimezone('Asia/Jakarta')->translatedFormat('d F Y H:i:s');
$sheets = Sheets::spreadsheet('1c2Uv3QVTyLzsJPE4uqqlMGNKO8z0Kqj6aEGh0uixAqA')->sheet('Platform')->range('A:F')->get();
$header = $sheets->pull(0);
$posts = Sheets::collection($header, $sheets);
$data = new Collection($posts->toArray());
return view('frontend::cakupan', compact('kurs', 'usd','date','data'));
public function peneliti()
$sheets = Sheets::spreadsheet('1kM32QnxjRDpH1WkFSfOwMuTKzoCQpXFDYhekARcypjY')->sheet('Research Proposal')->range('A:K')->get();
$header = $sheets->pull(0);
$posts = Sheets::collection($header, $sheets);
$posts = $posts->take(5000);
$data = $posts->toArray();
$researcher = [];
$no = 1;
if ($data) {
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if ($data[$key]['Researchers Name'] != null) {
$output['no'] = $no++;
$output['id'] = $data[$key]['ID'];
$output['reseracher_name'] = $data[$key]['Researchers Name'];
$output['region'] = $data[$key]['Region'];
$output['institution'] = $data[$key]['Institution'];
$output['research_title'] = $data[$key]['Research Title'];
$output['email'] = $data[$key]['Email'];
$output['registration_date'] = $data[$key]['Registration Date'];
$researcher[] = $output;
} else {
$researcher = [];
return view('frontend::peneliti', compact('researcher'));
public function facility()
$sheets = Sheets::spreadsheet('1kM32QnxjRDpH1WkFSfOwMuTKzoCQpXFDYhekARcypjY')->sheet('Sequencing Facility')->get();
$header = $sheets->pull(0);
$posts = Sheets::collection($header, $sheets);
$posts = $posts->take(5000);
$data = $posts->toArray();
$facility = [];
$no = 1;
if ($data) {
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if ($data[$key]['Facility Name'] != null) {
$output['no'] = $no++;
$output['facility_name'] = $data[$key]['Facility Name'];
$output['institution'] = $data[$key]['Institution'];
$output['address'] = $data[$key]['Address'];
$output['region'] = $data[$key]['Region'];
$facility[] = $output;
} else {
$facility = [];
return view('frontend::facility', compact('facility'));
public function hibah()
return view('frontend::hibah');
public function kuisioner()
return view('frontend::kuisioner');
public function consent()
return view('frontend::consent');
public function silx_ci()
return view('frontend::ci');
public function silx_ic()
return view('frontend::ic');
public function getKurs(){
$response = Http::get(',IDR');
$data = $response->json();
Storage::disk('public')->put('kurs.json', json_encode($data));
public function domain(Request $request)
if (isset($request->search)) {
$domain = $request->search;
$response = Http::asForm()->POST('', [
'username' => "qnwa882l",
'password' => "cdae44fd320c033dcd69718b217cdcc6fd51b8476d739e3d8b1c3a1fa5366395",
'domain' => $domain,
$data = simplexml_load_string($response->body());
$data = $data->result;
return view('frontend::domain', compact('data'));
} else {
return view('frontend::domain');

Http/Middleware/.gitkeep Normal file
View File

Http/Requests/.gitkeep Normal file
View File

Providers/.gitkeep Normal file
View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
namespace Modules\Frontend\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factory;
class FrontendServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* @var string $moduleName
protected $moduleName = 'Frontend';
* @var string $moduleNameLower
protected $moduleNameLower = 'frontend';
* Boot the application events.
* @return void
public function boot()
$this->loadMigrationsFrom(module_path($this->moduleName, 'Database/Migrations'));
* Register the service provider.
* @return void
public function register()
* Register config.
* @return void
protected function registerConfig()
module_path($this->moduleName, 'Config/config.php') => config_path($this->moduleNameLower . '.php'),
], 'config');
module_path($this->moduleName, 'Config/config.php'), $this->moduleNameLower
* Register views.
* @return void
public function registerViews()
$viewPath = resource_path('views/modules/' . $this->moduleNameLower);
$sourcePath = module_path($this->moduleName, 'Resources/views');
$sourcePath => $viewPath
], ['views', $this->moduleNameLower . '-module-views']);
$this->loadViewsFrom(array_merge($this->getPublishableViewPaths(), [$sourcePath]), $this->moduleNameLower);
* Register translations.
* @return void
public function registerTranslations()
$langPath = resource_path('lang/modules/' . $this->moduleNameLower);
if (is_dir($langPath)) {
$this->loadTranslationsFrom($langPath, $this->moduleNameLower);
} else {
$this->loadTranslationsFrom(module_path($this->moduleName, 'Resources/lang'), $this->moduleNameLower);
$this->loadJsonTranslationsFrom(module_path($this->moduleName, 'Resources/lang'));
* Get the services provided by the provider.
* @return array
public function provides()
return [];
private function getPublishableViewPaths(): array
$paths = [];
foreach (\Config::get('view.paths') as $path) {
if (is_dir($path . '/modules/' . $this->moduleNameLower)) {
$paths[] = $path . '/modules/' . $this->moduleNameLower;
return $paths;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
namespace Modules\Frontend\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\RouteServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;
class RouteServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* The module namespace to assume when generating URLs to actions.
* @var string
protected $moduleNamespace = 'Modules\Frontend\Http\Controllers';
* Called before routes are registered.
* Register any model bindings or pattern based filters.
* @return void
public function boot()
* Define the routes for the application.
* @return void
public function map()
* Define the "web" routes for the application.
* These routes all receive session state, CSRF protection, etc.
* @return void
protected function mapWebRoutes()
->group(module_path('Frontend', '/Routes/web.php'));
* Define the "api" routes for the application.
* These routes are typically stateless.
* @return void
protected function mapApiRoutes()
->group(module_path('Frontend', '/Routes/api.php'));

View File

View File

Resources/assets/output.css Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

Resources/lang/.gitkeep Normal file
View File

Resources/views/.gitkeep Normal file
View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
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<meta name="description" content="Yayasan Satriabudi Dharma Setia (YSDS) mengundang peneliti-peneliti Indonesia yang memiliki penelitian dengan metode pemeriksaan genome sequencing, untuk dapat menggunakan fasilitas kerjasama bahan habis pakai">
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<meta property="og:description" content="Yayasan Satriabudi Dharma Setia (YSDS) mengundang peneliti-peneliti Indonesia yang memiliki penelitian dengan metode pemeriksaan genome sequencing, untuk dapat menggunakan fasilitas kerjasama bahan habis pakai">
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<a href="{{ URL::to('facility') }}" @click="activeMenu='facility'" class="block py-2 pl-3 pr-4 text-gray-700 border-b border-gray-100 hover:bg-mallard-50 lg:hover:bg-transparent lg:border-0 lg:hover:text-guardsman-red-700 lg:p-0 dark:text-gray-400 lg:dark:hover:text-white dark:hover:bg-mallard-700 dark:hover:text-white lg:dark:hover:bg-transparent dark:border-gray-700"
:class="{'text-white bg-guardsman-red-700 rounded lg:bg-transparent lg:text-guardsman-red-700 dark:text-white' : activeMenu=='facility'}">Sequencing Facility</a>
<!-- Start block -->
<section id="facility" class="bg-white dark:bg-mallard-900 px-5 md:px-0">
<div class="max-w-screen-xl px-4 py-8 mx-auto space-y-12 lg:space-y-20 lg:py-24 lg:px-6">
<!-- Row -->
<div class="items-center">
<div class="text-gray-500 sm:text-lg dark:text-gray-400">
<h2 class="mb-4 text-3xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Cakupan Kerjasama Bahan Habis Pakai</h2>
<!-- List -->
<table class="w-full text-lg text-left text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">
<thead class="text-lg text-gray-800 uppercase bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:text-gray-400">
<th scope="col" class="px-6 py-3">Nomor</th>
<th scope="col" class="px-6 py-3">Platform</th>
<th scope="col" class="px-6 py-3">Kategori</th>
<th scope="col" class="px-6 py-3">Nama</th>
<th scope="col" class="px-6 py-3">Harga</th>
@php $no=1; @endphp
@foreach($data as $row)
<tr class="bg-white border-b dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700">
<td class="px-6 py-4">{{ $no }}</td>
<td class="px-6 py-4">{{ $row['Platform'] }}</td>
<td class="px-6 py-4">{{ $row['Kategori'] }}</td>
<td class="px-6 py-4">{{ $row['Nama'] }}
<br><em class="text-sm">Kode Unit : {{ $row['Kode Unit'] }}</em></td>
$harga = str_replace('$','',$row['Harga']);
$harga = str_replace('.00','',$harga);
$harga = str_replace(',','',$harga);
<td class="px-6 py-4">Rp {{ number_format($harga*($usd+($usd*0.05)),2,',','.') }}</td>
@php $no++; @endphp
<em>Kurs Dolar Tanggal {{ $date }} Rp. Rp {{ number_format($usd,2,',','.') }}</em><br>
<em>Kurs Dolar dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu</em>
<br> <br>
<em class="text-sm">Harga belum termasuk :</em> <br>
<em class="text-sm">1. Bea masuk, PPH, dan PPN sekitar 15-20% dari harga dasar barang,</em> <br>
<em class="text-sm">2. Ongkos kirim dengan estimasi Rp. 500.000 - 1.500.000 per pengiriman per kg,</em> <br>
<em class="text-sm">3. Administrasi, penanganan dan penyimpanan barang yang berkisar 5% dari harga dasar barang.</em>
<!-- End block -->
<!-- Start block -->
<!-- Start block -->
<section id="pendaftaran" class="bg-mallard-50 dark:bg-mallard-800 px-5 md:px-0">
<div class="max-w-screen-xl px-4 py-8 mx-auto lg:py-16 lg:px-6">
<div class="max-w-screen-sm mx-auto text-center">
<h2 class="mb-4 text-3xl font-extrabold leading-tight tracking-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Instruksi Pendaftaran</h2>
<p class="mb-6 font-light text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-600 md:text-lg">Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi kami melalui
<a href="" class="text-guardsman-red-600"></a> atau menghubungi
<a href="tel:+620895324832922" class="text-guardsman-red-600">0895-3248-32922 (whatsapp)</a>. Skema ini terus dibuka sesuai dengan ketersediaan dana YSDS.
<!-- End block -->
<!-- Start block -->
<section class="bg-white dark:bg-mallard-900 px-5 md:px-0">
<div class="items-center max-w-screen-xl px-4 py-6 mx-auto lg:grid lg:grid-cols-4 lg:gap-16 xl:gap-24 lg:px-6">
<div class="col-span-2">
<h5 class="mt-3 mb-4 text-2xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-gray-900 md:text-3xl dark:text-white">Catatan Perubahan</h5>
<ol class="relative border-l border-guardsman-red-200 dark:border-guardsman-red-700">
<li class="ml-4">
18 Juli 2023 : Update informasi kerjasama bahan habis pakai sequencing
<li class="ml-4">
01 Mei 2023 : Update informasi kerjasama penelitian genomik 2023
<li class="ml-4">
16 November 2022 : Update informasi penutupan pendaftaran hibah
<li class="ml-4">
01 November 2022 : Ekstensi deadline hibah dan perubahan timeline hibah
<li class="ml-4">
04 Oktober 2022 : Update Dokumen
<li class="ml-4">
01 Oktober 2022 : Peluncuran website
<div class="max-w-screen-xl p-4 mx-auto">
<hr class="my-6 border-guardsman-red-200 sm:mx-auto dark:border-guardsman-red-700">
<div class="text-center">
<span class="block text-sm text-center text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">© 2022-2023 <a href="" class="text-guardsman-red-600 hover:underline dark:text-guardsman-red-500">Yayasan Satriabudi Dharma Setia</a>
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{{ $data['address'] }}
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<h5 class="mt-3 mb-4 text-2xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-gray-900 md:text-3xl dark:text-white">Catatan Perubahan</h5>
<ol class="relative border-l border-guardsman-red-200 dark:border-guardsman-red-700">
<li class="ml-4">
18 Juli 2023 : Update informasi kerjasama bahan habis pakai sequencing
<li class="ml-4">
01 Mei 2023 : Update informasi kerjasama penelitian genomik 2023
<li class="ml-4">
16 November 2022 : Update informasi penutupan pendaftaran hibah
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01 November 2022 : Ekstensi deadline hibah dan perubahan timeline hibah
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04 Oktober 2022 : Update Dokumen
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01 Oktober 2022 : Peluncuran website
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<h1 class="max-w-3xl mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold leading-none tracking-tight md:text-5xl xl:text-6xl dark:text-white">Pengumuman Skema Kerjasama Bahan Habis Pakai Penelitian Genomik Panin 2023</h1>
<p class="max-w-3xl mb-6 font-light text-gray-500 lg:mb-8 md:text-lg lg:text-xl dark:text-gray-400">Yayasan Satriabudi Dharma Setia (YSDS) mengundang peneliti-peneliti Indonesia yang memiliki penelitian dengan metode pemeriksaan genome sequencing, untuk dapat menggunakan fasilitas kerjasama bahan habis pakai</p>
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<h2 class="mb-2 text-3xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Cakupan Kerjasama Bahan Habis Pakai</h2>
<div class="space-y-8 justify-center">
<!-- Pricing Card -->
<table class="w-full text-lg text-left text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">
<thead class="text-lg text-gray-800 uppercase bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:text-gray-400">
<th scope="col" class="px-6 py-3">Nomor</th>
<th scope="col" class="px-6 py-3">Platform</th>
<th scope="col" class="px-6 py-3">Kategori</th>
<th scope="col" class="px-6 py-3">Nama</th>
<th scope="col" class="px-6 py-3">Harga</th>
@php $no=1; @endphp
@foreach($platform as $row)
<tr class="bg-white border-b dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700">
<td class="px-6 py-4">{{ $no }}</td>
<td class="px-6 py-4">{{ $row['Platform'] }}</td>
<td class="px-6 py-4">{{ $row['Kategori'] }}</td>
<td class="px-6 py-4">{{ $row['Nama'] }}
<br><em class="text-sm">Kode Unit : {{ $row['Kode Unit'] }}</em></td>
$harga = str_replace('$','',$row['Harga']);
$harga = str_replace('.00','',$harga);
$harga = str_replace(',','',$harga);
<td class="px-6 py-4">Rp {{ number_format($harga*($usd+($usd*0.05)),2,',','.') }}</td>
@php $no++; @endphp
<em style="float:right;color:red;"><a href="{{ URL::to('cakupan') }}">Lihat Lebih Banyak</a></em><br>
<em>Kurs Dolar Tanggal {{ $date }} Rp. Rp {{ number_format($usd,2,',','.') }}</em><br>
<em>Kurs Dolar dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu</em>
<br> <br>
<em class="text-sm">Harga belum termasuk :</em> <br>
<em class="text-sm">1. Bea masuk, PPH, dan PPN sekitar 15-20% dari harga dasar barang,</em> <br>
<em class="text-sm">2. Ongkos kirim dengan estimasi Rp. 500.000 - 1.500.000 per pengiriman per kg,</em> <br>
<em class="text-sm">3. Administrasi, penanganan dan penyimpanan barang yang berkisar 5% dari harga dasar barang.</em>
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<h2 class="mb-4 text-3xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Skema Kerjasama Penelitian Untuk Pengadaan Bahan Habis Pakai Sequencing</h2>
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<span class="text-lg font-medium leading-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">YSDS akan memfasilitasi pengadaan bahan habis pakai dengan harga sesuai pada daftar 1</span>
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<svg class="flex-shrink-0 w-5 h-5 text-guardsman-red-500 dark:text-guardsman-red-400" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.707-9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414-1.414L9 10.586 7.707 9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414 1.414l2 2a1 1 0 001.414 0l4-4z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path>
<span class="text-lg font-medium leading-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Pemesanan bahan habis pakai dilakukan dengan mengisi formulir <a href="" class="text-guardsman-red-500" target="_blank">berikut.</a></span>
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<svg class="flex-shrink-0 w-5 h-5 text-guardsman-red-500 dark:text-guardsman-red-400" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.707-9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414-1.414L9 10.586 7.707 9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414 1.414l2 2a1 1 0 001.414 0l4-4z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path>
<span class="text-lg font-medium leading-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Petugas YSDS akan mengontak calon pemesan dalam waktu 1-3 hari kerja untuk konfirmasi pemesanan dan pengiriman bahan habis pakai ke lokasi peneliti.</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.707-9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414-1.414L9 10.586 7.707 9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414 1.414l2 2a1 1 0 001.414 0l4-4z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path>
<span class="text-lg font-medium leading-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Bahan habis pakai hanya dapat digunakan untuk keperluan penelitian dan tidak dapat diperjualbelikan kembali.</span>
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<svg class="flex-shrink-0 w-5 h-5 text-guardsman-red-500 dark:text-guardsman-red-400" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.707-9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414-1.414L9 10.586 7.707 9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414 1.414l2 2a1 1 0 001.414 0l4-4z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path>
<span class="text-lg font-medium leading-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Informasi terkait pemesanan bahan habis pakai dapat menghubungi Bapak Heppy di nomor 0896-0298-2179.</span>
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<h2 class="mb-4 text-3xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Skema Kerjasama Penelitian Sequencing</h2>
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<span class="text-lg font-medium leading-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">YSDS akan memfasilitasi pemeriksaan genome sequencing mulai dari proses library preparation hingga dihasilkan data sequencing (meliputi jasa pemeriksaan dan bahan habis pakai untuk proses tersebut dan analisis bioinformatika) di laboratorium yang sudah didukung oleh YSDS. <a href="{{ URL::to('facility') }}" class="text-guardsman-red-500">Daftar Laboratorium.</a></span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.707-9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414-1.414L9 10.586 7.707 9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414 1.414l2 2a1 1 0 001.414 0l4-4z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path>
<span class="text-lg font-medium leading-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Data yang dihasilkan dari pemeriksaan genome sequencing akan dikumpulkan untuk membangun repositori data genomik nasional yang dapat diakses oleh berbagai peneliti di Indonesia melalui institusi penelitian yang sudah bekerjasama dengan YSDS.</span>
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.707-9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414-1.414L9 10.586 7.707 9.293a1 1 0 00-1.414 1.414l2 2a1 1 0 001.414 0l4-4z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path>
<span class="text-lg font-medium leading-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Untuk mengikuti skema ini, peneliti dapat mengirim proposal dengan mengirim email ke <a href="" class="text-guardsman-red-600"></a>, meliputi Proposal penelitian dengan format <a href="" class="text-guardsman-red-500" target="_blank">berikut.</a></span>
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<h2 class="mb-4 text-3xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Skema Kerjasama Peminjaman Alat Genome Sequencing untuk Laboratorium Institusi Penelitian</h2>
<p class="text-lg border-t border-gray-200 my-7 dark:border-gray-700 pt-8">YSDS akan menempatkan alat genome sequencing di Institusi penelitian dengan kebutuhan pemeriksaan genome sequencing yang kontinu. Institusi penelitian diharapkan dapat menggunakan alat semaksimal mungkin dengan membuka seluas-luasnya akses penggunaan alat tersebut kepada civitas Institusi atau peneliti/Institusi lain. Jenis alat yang disediakan oleh YSDS mencakup:</p>
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<span class="text-lg font-medium leading-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">PromethION 2 Sequencing Unit Solo dari penyedia Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). Informasi lengkap alat: <a href="" class="text-guardsman-red-500" target="_blank"></a></span>
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<span class="text-lg font-medium leading-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">MinION Mk1B dari penyedia Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). Informasi lengkap alat: <a href="" class="text-guardsman-red-500" target="_blank"></a></span>
<p class="text-lg pt-8">Jenis alat yang disediakan menyesuaikan dengan stok yang ada dan dapat berganti sesuai dengan perkembangan kerjasama YSDS dengan penyedia alat genome sequencing.</p>
<img class="hidden w-full mb-4 rounded-lg lg:mb-0 lg:flex" src="{{ asset('istockphoto-1336808150-612x612.jpg') }}" alt="Skema Kerjasama Peminjaman Alat Genome Sequencing untuk Laboratorium Institusi Penelitian">
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<h2 class="mb-4 text-3xl font-extrabold leading-tight tracking-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Instruksi Pendaftaran</h2>
<p class="mb-6 font-light text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-600 md:text-lg">Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi kami melalui
<a href="" class="text-guardsman-red-600"></a> atau menghubungi
<a href="tel:+620895324832922" class="text-guardsman-red-600">0895-3248-32922 (whatsapp)</a>. Skema ini terus dibuka sesuai dengan ketersediaan dana YSDS.
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<h5 class="mt-3 mb-4 text-2xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-gray-900 md:text-3xl dark:text-white">Catatan Perubahan</h5>
<ol class="relative border-l border-guardsman-red-200 dark:border-guardsman-red-700">
<li class="ml-4">
18 Juli 2023 : Update informasi kerjasama bahan habis pakai sequencing
<li class="ml-4">
01 Mei 2023 : Update informasi kerjasama penelitian genomik 2023
<li class="ml-4">
16 November 2022 : Update informasi penutupan pendaftaran hibah
<li class="ml-4">
01 November 2022 : Ekstensi deadline hibah dan perubahan timeline hibah
<li class="ml-4">
04 Oktober 2022 : Update Dokumen
<li class="ml-4">
01 Oktober 2022 : Peluncuran website
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<span class="block text-sm text-center text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">© 2022-2023 <a href="" class="text-guardsman-red-600 hover:underline dark:text-guardsman-red-500">Yayasan Satriabudi Dharma Setia</a>
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<h3 class="text-xl font-bold text-gray-900">
{{ $data['reseracher_name'] }}
<p class="mt-1 text-xs font-medium text-gray-600">{{ $data['email'] }}</p>
<div class="ml-3 flex-shrink-0">
<span class="h-16 w-16 bg-san-marino-50 text-2xl text-guardsman-red font-bold rounded-lg object-cover shadow-sm bg-guardsman-red-200 flex items-center justify-center">{{ $data['no'] }}</span>
<div class="mt-2 sm:pr-8">
<p class="text-lg text-gray-500">
{{ $data['research_title'] }}
<dl class="mt-6 flex">
<div class="flex flex-col-reverse">
<dt class="text-sm font-medium text-gray-600">{{ $data['region'] }}</dt>
<dd class="text-xs text-gray-500">{{ $data['institution'] }}</dd>
<div class="ml-3 flex flex-col-reverse sm:ml-6">
<dt class="text-sm font-medium text-gray-600">{{ $data['registration_date'] }}</dt>
<dd class="text-xs text-gray-500">Registration Date</dd>
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<h2 class="mt-3 mb-4 text-3xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-gray-900 md:text-3xl dark:text-white">Catatan Perubahan</h2>
<ol class="relative border-l border-guardsman-red-200 dark:border-guardsman-red-700">
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<div class="absolute w-3 h-3 bg-guardsman-red-500 rounded-full mt-1.5 -left-1.5 border border-white dark:border-guardsman-red-900 dark:bg-guardsman-red-700"></div>
<time class="mb-1 text-sm font-normal leading-none text-guardsman-red-400 dark:text-guardsman-red-500">18 Juli 2023</time>
<h3 class="text-lg font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Update informasi kerjasama bahan habis pakai sequencing</h3>
<li class="mb-10 ml-4">
<div class="absolute w-3 h-3 bg-guardsman-red-500 rounded-full mt-1.5 -left-1.5 border border-white dark:border-guardsman-red-900 dark:bg-guardsman-red-700"></div>
<time class="mb-1 text-sm font-normal leading-none text-guardsman-red-400 dark:text-guardsman-red-500">01 Mei 2023</time>
<h3 class="text-lg font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Update informasi kerjasama penelitian genomik 2023</h3>
<li class="mb-10 ml-4">
<div class="absolute w-3 h-3 bg-guardsman-red-500 rounded-full mt-1.5 -left-1.5 border border-white dark:border-guardsman-red-900 dark:bg-guardsman-red-700"></div>
<time class="mb-1 text-sm font-normal leading-none text-guardsman-red-400 dark:text-guardsman-red-500">16 November 2022</time>
<h3 class="text-lg font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Update informasi penutupan pendaftaran hibah</h3>
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<div class="absolute w-3 h-3 bg-guardsman-red-500 rounded-full mt-1.5 -left-1.5 border border-white dark:border-guardsman-red-900 dark:bg-guardsman-red-700"></div>
<time class="mb-1 text-sm font-normal leading-none text-guardsman-red-400 dark:text-guardsman-red-500">01 November 2022</time>
<h3 class="text-lg font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Ekstensi deadline hibah dan perubahan timeline hibah</h3>
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<time class="mb-1 text-sm font-normal leading-none text-guardsman-red-400 dark:text-guardsman-red-500">04 Oktober 2022</time>
<h3 class="text-lg font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Update Dokumen</h3>
<p class="mb-4 text-base font-normal text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">Update dokumen ketentuan teknis hibah, format proposal, format RAB, dan format slide presentasi</p>
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<time class="mb-1 text-sm font-normal leading-none text-guardsman-red-400 dark:text-guardsman-red-500">01 Oktober 2022</time>
<h3 class="text-lg font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Peluncuran website</h3>
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<h2 class="mb-4 text-3xl font-extrabold leading-tight tracking-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Instruksi Pendaftaran</h2>
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Routes/.gitkeep Normal file
View File

Routes/api.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
| API Routes
| Here is where you can register API routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
| is assigned the "api" middleware group. Enjoy building your API!
Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/frontend', function (Request $request) {
return $request->user();

Routes/web.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
| Web Routes
| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
| contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!
use Modules\Frontend\Http\Controllers\FrontendController;
Route::get('/', 'FrontendController@index');
Route::get('form-hibah', [FrontendController::class, 'hibah']);
Route::get('domain', [FrontendController::class, 'domain']);
Route::get('peneliti', [FrontendController::class, 'peneliti']);
Route::get('facility', [FrontendController::class, 'facility']);
Route::get('gapanalysis', [FrontendController::class, 'kuisioner']);
Route::get('consentform', [FrontendController::class, 'consent']);
Route::get('silx/ci', [FrontendController::class, 'silx_ci']);
Route::get('silx/ic', [FrontendController::class, 'silx_ic']);
Route::get('SILX/ci', [FrontendController::class, 'silx_ci']);
Route::get('SILX/ic', [FrontendController::class, 'silx_ic']);
Route::get('cakupan', [FrontendController::class, 'cakupan']);

Tests/Feature/.gitkeep Normal file
View File

Tests/Unit/.gitkeep Normal file
View File

composer.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"name": "putrakuningan/frontend-module",
"type": "laravel-module",
"description": "",
"authors": [
"name": "Daeng Deni Mardaeni",
"email": ""
"extra": {
"laravel": {
"providers": [],
"aliases": {
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Modules\\Frontend\\": ""

module.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"name": "Frontend",
"alias": "frontend",
"description": "",
"keywords": [],
"priority": 0,
"providers": [
"files": []