import gulp from "gulp"; import rename from "gulp-rename"; import rtlcss from "gulp-rtlcss"; import sass from "gulp-dart-sass"; import merge from "merge-stream"; import _ from "lodash"; import {build as buildMaster} from "./build.js"; import {argv, getDemo, getTheme, objectWalkRecursive, dotPath, pathOnly, outputFunc, bundle, getFolders} from "./helpers.js"; import {cleanTask} from "./clean.js"; import fs from "fs"; import * as pathDir from 'path'; import {fileURLToPath} from 'url'; const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = pathDir.dirname(__filename); // merge with default parameters const args = Object.assign( { prod: false, sourcemap: false, rtl: "", exclude: "", theme: "", path: "", angular: false, react: false, vue: false, suffix: false, }, argv ); var build = buildMaster; const demo = getDemo(); let theme = ''; const tasks = []; // merge gulp.config.json in release version if (fs.existsSync(`${__dirname}/../gulp.config.json`)) { var c = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../gulp.config.json`, 'utf8'); build = _.merge(build, JSON.parse(c)); } else { // set theme theme = getTheme(); // merge config for theme which have demo levels const themeConfPath = `./../../../../themes/${theme}/html/tools/gulp.config.json`; if (fs.existsSync(`${__dirname}/${themeConfPath}`)) { var c = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/${themeConfPath}`, 'utf8'); build = _.merge(build, JSON.parse(c)); } // merge config for demo levels const demoConfPath = `./../../../../themes/${theme}/html/${demo}/gulp.config.json`; if (fs.existsSync(`${__dirname}/${demoConfPath}`)) { var c = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/${demoConfPath}`, 'utf8'); build = _.extend(build, JSON.parse(c)); } } // docs build option let docsOption = Object.keys(argv).find((value) => { return value.indexOf('docs-') !== -1; }); if (typeof docsOption !== 'undefined') { theme = docsOption.replace('docs-', ''); if (theme === 'asp') { theme += '.net-core' } build.config.path.src = '../../../themes/docs/{theme}/src'; build.config.dist = ['../../../themes/docs/{theme}/dist/assets']; } // set dist to demo folder const dist = []; build.config.dist.forEach((d) => { dist.push(d.replace("{demo}", demo).replace("{theme}", theme)); }); build.config.dist = dist; const path = {}; for (let key in build.config.path) { if (!build.config.path.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } path[key] = build.config.path[key] .replace("{demo}", demo) .replace("{theme}", theme); } build.config.path = path; if ( !== false) { // force disable debug for production build.config.debug = false; // force assets minification for production build.config.compile.jsMinify = true; build.config.compile.cssMinify = true; } if (args.sourcemap !== false) { // force assets sourcemap // build.config.compile.jsSourcemaps = true; // build.config.compile.cssSourcemaps = true; } if (args.rtl) { build.config.compile.rtl.enabled = true; } const rtlTask = (cb) => { const streams = []; let stream = null; objectWalkRecursive(, (val, key, userdata) => { if (val.hasOwnProperty("src") && val.hasOwnProperty("dist")) { if (["custom", "media", "api", "misc"].indexOf(key) !== -1) { if (userdata.indexOf(key) === -1 && typeof val.styles !== "undefined") { // rtl conversion in each plugins for (let i in val.styles) { if (!val.styles.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } const toRtlFile = dotPath(val.styles[i]); // exclude scss file for now if (toRtlFile.indexOf(".scss") === -1 && !/\*/.test(toRtlFile)) { stream = gulp.src(toRtlFile, {allowEmpty: true}) .pipe(rtlcss()) .pipe(rename({suffix: ".rtl"})) .pipe(gulp.dest(pathOnly(toRtlFile))); streams.push(stream); // convert rtl for minified if (!/\.min\./i.test(toRtlFile)) { stream = gulp.src(toRtlFile, {allowEmpty: true}) .pipe( sass({outputStyle: "compressed"}).on("error", sass.logError) ) .pipe(rename({suffix: args.suffix ? ".min.rtl" : ".rtl"})) .pipe(gulp.dest(pathOnly(toRtlFile))); streams.push(stream); } } } } } } }, build.config.compile.rtl.skip ); cb(); return merge(streams); }; // task to bundle js/css let buildBundleTask = (cb) => { var streams = []; objectWalkRecursive(, function (val, key) { if (val.hasOwnProperty("src") && val.hasOwnProperty("dist")) { if (["custom", "media", "api", "misc"].indexOf(key) !== -1) { outputFunc(val); } else { streams = bundle(val); } } }); cb(); return merge(streams); }; // don't clean assets if compile only 1 type if (!args.sass && !args.js && ! { tasks.push(cleanTask); } if (typeof build.config.compile.rtl !== "undefined" && build.config.compile.rtl.enabled) { tasks.push(rtlTask); } tasks.push(buildBundleTask); if (args.presets && fs.existsSync(build.config.path.src + '/sass/presets')) { const presets = fs.readdirSync(build.config.path.src + '/sass/presets'); objectWalkRecursive(, function (val, key) { if (val.hasOwnProperty("src") && val.hasOwnProperty("dist")) { if (["custom", "media", "api", "misc"].indexOf(key) !== -1) { } else { // build for presets if (typeof val.src.styles !== 'undefined') { if (val.src.styles[0].indexOf('style.scss') !== -1) { presets.forEach(preset => { let buildStylePresetTask = (cb) => { val.src.styles[0] = '{$config.path.src}/sass/presets/' + preset + '/style.scss'; val.dist.styles = '{$config.dist}/css/style.' + preset + '.bundle.css'; bundle(val); cb(); }; tasks.push(buildStylePresetTask); }); } } if (typeof val.src.override !== 'undefined' && val.src.override.styles[0].indexOf('plugins.scss') !== -1) { presets.forEach(preset => { let buildPluginPresetTask = (cb) => { val.src.styles.forEach((file, i) => { if (file.indexOf('plugins.scss') !== -1) { val.src.styles[i] = '{$config.path.src}/sass/presets/' + preset + '/plugins.scss'; val.dist.styles = '{$config.dist}/plugins/global/plugins.' + preset + '.bundle.css'; bundle(val); cb(); } }); }; tasks.push(buildPluginPresetTask); }); } } } },; } // entry point const compileTask = gulp.series(...tasks); // Exports export { compileTask, };