addHtmlAttribute($scope, $name, $value); } } if (!function_exists('addHtmlAttributes')) { /** * Add multiple HTML attributes by scope * * @param $scope * @param $attributes * * @return void */ function addHtmlAttributes($scope, $attributes) { theme()->addHtmlAttributes($scope, $attributes); } } if (!function_exists('addHtmlClass')) { /** * Add HTML class by scope * * @param $scope * @param $value * * @return void */ function addHtmlClass($scope, $value) { theme()->addHtmlClass($scope, $value); } } if (!function_exists('printHtmlAttributes')) { /** * Print HTML attributes for the HTML template * * @param $scope * * @return string */ function printHtmlAttributes($scope) { return theme()->printHtmlAttributes($scope); } } if (!function_exists('printHtmlClasses')) { /** * Print HTML classes for the HTML template * * @param $scope * @param $full * * @return string */ function printHtmlClasses($scope, $full = true) { return theme()->printHtmlClasses($scope, $full); } } if (!function_exists('getSvgIcon')) { /** * Get SVG icon content * * @param $path * @param $classNames * @param $folder * * @return string */ function getSvgIcon($path, $classNames = 'svg-icon', $folder = 'assets/media/icons/') { return theme()->getSvgIcon($path, $classNames, $folder); } } if (!function_exists('setModeSwitch')) { /** * Set dark mode enabled status * * @param $flag * * @return void */ function setModeSwitch($flag) { } } if (!function_exists('isModeSwitchEnabled')) { /** * Check dark mode status * * @return void */ function isModeSwitchEnabled() { } } if (!function_exists('setModeDefault')) { /** * Set the mode to dark or light * * @param $mode * * @return void */ function setModeDefault($mode) { } } if (!function_exists('getModeDefault')) { /** * Get current mode * * @return void */ function getModeDefault() { } } if (!function_exists('setDirection')) { /** * Set style direction * * @param $direction * * @return void */ function setDirection($direction) { } } if (!function_exists('getDirection')) { /** * Get style direction * * @return void */ function getDirection() { } } if (!function_exists('isRtlDirection')) { /** * Check if style direction is RTL * * @return void */ function isRtlDirection() { } } if (!function_exists('extendCssFilename')) { /** * Extend CSS file name with RTL or dark mode * * @param $path * * @return void */ function extendCssFilename($path) { } } if (!function_exists('includeFavicon')) { /** * Include favicon from settings * * @return string */ function includeFavicon() { return theme()->includeFavicon(); } } if (!function_exists('includeFonts')) { /** * Include the fonts from settings * * @return string */ function includeFonts() { return theme()->includeFonts(); } } if (!function_exists('getGlobalAssets')) { /** * Get the global assets * * @param $type * * @return array */ function getGlobalAssets($type = 'js') { return theme()->getGlobalAssets($type); } } if (!function_exists('addVendors')) { /** * Add multiple vendors to the page by name. Refer to settings KT_THEME_VENDORS * * @param $vendors * * @return void */ function addVendors($vendors) { theme()->addVendors($vendors); } } if (!function_exists('addVendor')) { /** * Add single vendor to the page by name. Refer to settings KT_THEME_VENDORS * * @param $vendor * * @return void */ function addVendor($vendor) { theme()->addVendor($vendor); } } if (!function_exists('addJavascriptFile')) { /** * Add custom javascript file to the page * * @param $file * * @return void */ function addJavascriptFile($file) { theme()->addJavascriptFile($file); } } if (!function_exists('addCssFile')) { /** * Add custom CSS file to the page * * @param $file * * @return void */ function addCssFile($file) { theme()->addCssFile($file); } } if (!function_exists('getVendors')) { /** * Get vendor files from settings. Refer to settings KT_THEME_VENDORS * * @param $type * * @return array */ function getVendors($type) { return theme()->getVendors($type); } } if (!function_exists('getCustomJs')) { /** * Get custom js files from the settings * * @return array */ function getCustomJs() { return theme()->getCustomJs(); } } if (!function_exists('getCustomCss')) { /** * Get custom css files from the settings * * @return array */ function getCustomCss() { return theme()->getCustomCss(); } } if (!function_exists('getHtmlAttribute')) { /** * Get HTML attribute based on the scope * * @param $scope * @param $attribute * * @return array */ function getHtmlAttribute($scope, $attribute) { return theme()->getHtmlAttribute($scope, $attribute); } } if (!function_exists('isUrl')) { /** * Get HTML attribute based on the scope * * @param $url * * @return mixed */ function isUrl($url) { return filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL); } } if (!function_exists('image')) { /** * Get image url by path * * @param $path * * @return string */ function image($path) { return asset('assets/media/' . $path); } } if (!function_exists('getIcon')) { /** * Get icon * * @param $path * * @return string */ function getIcon($name, $class = '', $type = '') { return theme()->getIcon($name, $class, $type); } } function verify_user($id, $passwd, $SERVER_ADDR, $IPUserManager, $portUserManager, $appId) { $USERMANPROG = "user_verification.php"; $sock = fsockopen("tcp://" . $IPUserManager, $portUserManager, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$sock) die("$errstr ($errno)\n"); $data = "appsid=" . urlencode($appId) . "&loginid=" . urlencode($id) . "&passwd=" . urlencode($passwd) . "&addr=" . $SERVER_ADDR . "&version=2"; //echo "data: $data
"; fwrite($sock, "POST /user_verification_dev.php HTTP/1.0\r\n"); fwrite($sock, "Host: $IPUserManager\r\n"); fwrite($sock, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); fwrite($sock, "Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n"); fwrite($sock, "Accept: */*\r\n"); fwrite($sock, "\r\n"); fwrite($sock, "$data\r\n"); fwrite($sock, "\r\n"); $headers = ""; while ($str = trim(fgets($sock, 4096))) $headers .= "$str\n"; $body = ""; while (!feof($sock)) $body .= fgets($sock, 4096); fclose($sock); return decompress($body); } function getAllowableScript($sessionMenu) { //$sessionMenu = $_SESSION['MENU']; if (!empty($sessionMenu)) { $tempMenuArrayLine = explode('-', $sessionMenu); //print_r($tempMenuArrayLine); if (count($tempMenuArrayLine) > 0) { foreach ($tempMenuArrayLine as $tkey => $tval) { $tempMenuArray = explode('|', $tval); if (count($tempMenuArray) > 0) { foreach ($tempMenuArray as $mkey => $mval) { [$menukey, $menuval] = explode('>', $mval); if ($menukey === 'LINK') { $SCRIPT_ALLOW[$menuval] = 1; } //$menu[$menuCounter][$menukey] = $menuval; } //$menuCounter++; } } } } return $SCRIPT_ALLOW; } function decompress($data) { $text = ''; $total = strlen($data); for ($j = 0; $j < $total; $j = $j + 2) { $text .= chr(hexdec(substr($data, $j, 2))); } return $text; } function compress($data) { $text = ''; $total = strlen($data); for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $temp = dechex(ord(substr($data, $i, 1))); if (strlen($temp) < 2) { $temp = '0' . $temp; } $text .= $temp; } return $text; } function jsonToView($jsonText = '') { $arr = json_decode($jsonText, true); $html = ""; if ($arr && is_array($arr)) { $html .= _arrayToHtmlTableRecursive($arr); } return $html; } function _arrayToHtmlTableRecursive($arr) { $str = ""; foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { $str .= ""; $str .= ""; $str .= ""; } $str .= "
$key"; if (is_array($val)) { if (!empty($val)) { $str .= _arrayToHtmlTableRecursive($val); } } else { $str .= "$val"; } $str .= "
"; return $str; }