import gulp from "gulp"; import sass from "gulp-dart-sass"; import rename from "gulp-rename"; import rewrite from "gulp-rewrite-css"; import concat from "gulp-concat"; import lazypipe from "lazypipe"; import gulpif from "gulp-if"; import terser from "gulp-terser"; import sourcemaps from "gulp-sourcemaps"; import path, * as pathDir from "path"; import fs from "fs"; import rtlcss from "gulp-rtlcss"; import cleancss from "gulp-clean-css"; import yargs from "yargs"; import {hideBin} from 'yargs/helpers' import glob from "glob"; import {fileURLToPath} from 'url'; import {build} from "./build.js"; const argv = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)).argv; // merge with default parameters const args = Object.assign( { prod: false, sass: false, js: false, media: false, }, argv ); let allAssets = false; if (args.sass === false && args.js === false && === false) { allAssets = true; } // default variable config const config = Object.assign( {}, { demo: "", debug: true, compile: { jsMinify: false, cssMinify: false, jsSourcemaps: false, cssSourcemaps: false, }, }, build.config ); /** * Walk into object recursively * @param array * @param funcname * @param userdata * @returns {boolean} */ function objectWalkRecursive(array, funcname, userdata) { if (!array || typeof array !== 'object') { return false; } if (typeof funcname !== 'function') { return false; } for (let key in array) { // apply "funcname" recursively only on object if ([key]) === '[object Object]') { const funcArgs = [array[key], funcname]; if (arguments.length > 2) { funcArgs.push(userdata); } if (objectWalkRecursive.apply(null, funcArgs) === false) { return false; } // continue } try { if (arguments.length > 2) { funcname(array[key], key, userdata); } else { funcname(array[key], key); } } catch (e) { console.error('e', e); return false; } } return true; }; /** * Add JS compilation options to gulp pipe */ const jsChannel = () => { const { compile } = config; const { jsSourcemaps, jsMinify } = compile; return lazypipe() .pipe(() => { return gulpif( jsSourcemaps, sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true, debug: config.debug }) ); }) .pipe(() => { return gulpif(jsMinify, terser()); }) .pipe(() => { return gulpif(jsSourcemaps, sourcemaps.write("./")); }); }; /** * Add CSS compilation options to gulp pipe */ const cssChannel = (rtl, includePaths) => { const { compile } = config; const { cssSourcemaps, cssMinify } = compile; return lazypipe() .pipe(() => { return gulpif( cssSourcemaps, sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true, debug: config.debug }) ); }) .pipe(() => { return sass({ errLogToConsole: true, includePaths: [build.config.path.src + "/sass", "node_modules"].concat( includePaths ), // outputStyle: config.cssMinify ? 'compressed' : '', }).on("error", sass.logError); }) .pipe(() => { // convert rtl for style.bundle.css only here, others already converted before return gulpif(rtl, rtlcss()); }) .pipe(() => { return gulpif(cssMinify, cleancss()); }) .pipe(() => { return gulpif(cssSourcemaps, sourcemaps.write("./")); }); }; /** * Multiple output paths by output config * @param path * @param outputFile * @param type * @returns {*} */ const outputChannel = (path, outputFile, type) => { if (!allAssets) { if (args.sass && ["styles"].indexOf(type) === -1) { return lazypipe().pipe(() => { // noop }); } if (args.js && ["scripts"].indexOf(type) === -1) { return lazypipe().pipe(() => { // noop }); } if ( && ["media", "fonts", "images"].indexOf(type) === -1) { return lazypipe().pipe(() => { // noop }); } } if (typeof path === "undefined") { console.log("Output path not defined"); } if (typeof outputFile === "undefined") { outputFile = ""; } let piping = lazypipe(); if (type === "styles") { piping = piping.pipe(() => { return gulpif( build.config.compile.cssMinify, rename({ suffix: args.suffix ? ".min" : "" }) ); }); } if (type === "scripts") { piping = piping.pipe(() => { return gulpif( build.config.compile.jsMinify, rename({ suffix: args.suffix ? ".min" : "" }) ); }); } const regex = new RegExp(/\{\$.*?\}/); const matched = path.match(regex); // {$config.dist}/plugins/global/fonts/fonticon if (matched) { const outputs = build.config.dist; outputs.forEach((output) => { let outputPath = path.replace(matched[0], output).replace(outputFile, ""); (function (_output) { piping = piping.pipe(() => { return gulp.dest(_output); }); })(outputPath); }); } if (typeof cb !== 'undefined') { cb(); } return piping; }; /** * Convert string path to actual path * @param path * @returns {*} */ const dotPath = (path) => { const regex = new RegExp(/\{\$(.*?)\}/), dot = (obj, i) => { return obj[i]; }; const matched = path.match(regex); if (matched) { const realpath = matched[1].split(".").reduce(dot, build); return path.replace(matched[0], realpath); } return path; }; /** * Convert multiple paths * @param paths */ const dotPaths = (paths) => { paths.forEach((path, i) => { paths[i] = dotPath(path); }); }; /** * Css path rewriter when bundle files moved * @param bundle */ const cssRewriter = (bundle) => { const imgRegex = new RegExp(/\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png|ico|svg)$/i); return lazypipe().pipe(() => { // rewrite css relative path return rewrite({ destination: bundle["styles"], debug: config.debug, adaptPath: (ctx) => { const isCss = ctx.sourceFile.match(/\.[css]+$/i); // process css only if (isCss[0] === ".css") { if (/plugins.*?bundle/.test(bundle["styles"])) { const pieces = ctx.sourceDir.split(/\\|\//); // only vendors/base pass this let vendor = pieces[pieces.indexOf("node_modules") + 1]; if (pieces.indexOf("node_modules") === -1) { vendor = pieces[pieces.indexOf("plugins") + 1]; } let extension = "fonts/"; if (imgRegex.test(ctx.targetFile)) { extension = "images/"; } return path.join(extension, vendor, path.basename(ctx.targetFile)); } return ctx.targetFile.replace(/\.?\.\//, ""); } }, }); }); }; /** * Get end filename from path * @param path * @returns {string} */ const baseFileName = (path) => { const maybeFile = path.split("/").pop(); if (maybeFile.indexOf(".") !== -1) { return maybeFile; } return ""; }; const baseName = (str, extension) => { let base = new String(str).substring(str.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); if (!extension && base.lastIndexOf(".") != -1) { base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf(".")); } return base; }; /** * Remove file name and get the path */ const pathOnly = (str) => { const array = str.split("/"); if (array.length > 0) { array.pop(); } return array.join("/"); }; const getDemos = () => { if ( { return []; } let demos = Object.keys(; // build by demo, leave demo empty to generate all demos if (typeof build.config.demo !== "undefined" && build.config.demo !== "") { demos = build.config.demo.split(",").map((item) => { return item.trim(); }); } return demos; }; const getFolders = (dir) => { try { return fs.readdirSync(dir).filter((file) => { return fs.statSync(path.join(dir, file)).isDirectory(); }); }catch(e) { return []; } }; const getParameters = () => { // remove first 2 unused elements from array let argv = JSON.parse(process.env.npm_config_argv).cooked.slice(2); argv = => { return arg.replace(/--/i, ""); }); return argv; }; const getDemo = () => { // get demo from parameters let demo = Object.keys(argv) .join(" ") .match(/(demo\d+)/gi) || ""; if (typeof demo === "object") { demo = demo[0]; } return demo; }; const getTheme = () => { // get demo from parameters const theme = Object.keys(argv)[1]; const folders = getFolders(build.config.path.src.split("{theme}")[0]); if (folders.indexOf(theme) !== -1) { return theme; } // default theme return ""; }; const bundleStreams = []; /** * Bundle * @param bundle */ const bundle = (bundle) => { let stream; if (bundle.hasOwnProperty("src") && bundle.hasOwnProperty("dist")) { // for images & fonts as per vendor if ("mandatory" in bundle.src && "optional" in bundle.src) { let vendors = {}; for (let key in bundle.src) { if (!bundle.src.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } if (key === "override") { continue; } vendors = Object.assign(vendors, bundle.src[key]); } for (let vendor in vendors) { if (!vendors.hasOwnProperty(vendor)) { continue; } const vendorObj = vendors[vendor]; for (let type in vendorObj) { if (!vendorObj.hasOwnProperty(type)) { continue; } dotPaths(vendorObj[type]); switch (type) { case "fonts": stream = gulp.src(vendorObj[type], { allowEmpty: true }); const outputFonts = outputChannel(bundle.dist[type] + "/" + vendor, undefined, type)(); if (outputFonts) { stream.pipe(outputFonts); } bundleStreams.push(stream); break; case "images": stream = gulp.src(vendorObj[type], { allowEmpty: true }); const outputImages = outputChannel(bundle.dist[type] + "/" + vendor, undefined, type)(); if (outputImages) { stream.pipe(outputImages); } bundleStreams.push(stream); break; } } } } // flattening array if (!("styles" in bundle.src) && !("scripts" in bundle.src)) { const src = { styles: [], scripts: [] }; objectWalkRecursive(bundle.src, (paths, type) => { switch (type) { case "styles": case "scripts": src[type] = src[type].concat(paths); break; case "images": // images for mandatory and optional vendor already processed if (!"mandatory" in bundle.src || !"optional" in bundle.src) { src[type] = src[type].concat(paths); } break; } }); bundle.src = src; } for (let type in bundle.src) { if (!bundle.src.hasOwnProperty(type)) { continue; } // skip if not array if ([type]) !== "[object Array]" ) { continue; } // skip if no bundle output is provided if (typeof bundle.dist[type] === "undefined") { continue; } dotPaths(bundle.src[type]); const outputFile = baseFileName(bundle.dist[type]); switch (type) { case "styles": if (bundle.dist.hasOwnProperty(type)) { // rtl css bundle if ( typeof build.config.compile.rtl !== "undefined" && build.config.compile.rtl.enabled ) { let toRtlFiles = []; let rtlFiles = []; bundle.src[type].forEach((path) => { // get rtl css file path let cssFile = pathOnly(path) + "/" + baseName(path) + ".rtl.css"; // check if rtl file is exist if ( fs.existsSync(cssFile) && build.config.compile.rtl.skip.indexOf(baseName(path)) === -1 ) { rtlFiles = rtlFiles.concat(cssFile); } else { // rtl css file not exist, use default css file cssFile = path; } toRtlFiles = toRtlFiles.concat(cssFile); }); let shouldRtl = false; if (baseName(bundle.dist[type]) === "style.bundle") { shouldRtl = true; } const rtlOutput = pathOnly(bundle.dist[type]) + "/" + baseName(bundle.dist[type]) + ".rtl.css"; stream = gulp .src(toRtlFiles, { allowEmpty: true }) .pipe(cssRewriter(bundle.dist)()) .pipe(concat(baseName(bundle.dist[type]) + ".rtl.css")) .pipe(cssChannel(shouldRtl)()); const outputRTLCSS = outputChannel(rtlOutput, baseName(bundle.dist[type]) + ".rtl.css", type)(); if (outputRTLCSS) { stream.pipe(outputRTLCSS); } bundleStreams.push(stream); } // default css bundle stream = gulp .src(bundle.src[type], { allowEmpty: true }) .pipe(cssRewriter(bundle.dist)()) .pipe(concat(outputFile)) .pipe(cssChannel()()); const outputDefaultCSSBundle = outputChannel(bundle.dist[type], outputFile, type)(); if (outputDefaultCSSBundle) { stream.pipe(outputDefaultCSSBundle); } bundleStreams.push(stream); } break; case "scripts": if (bundle.dist.hasOwnProperty(type)) { stream = gulp .src(bundle.src[type], { allowEmpty: true }) .pipe(concat(outputFile)) .pipe(jsChannel()()) .on("error", console.error.bind(console)); const outputScripts = outputChannel(bundle.dist[type], outputFile, type)(); if (outputScripts) { stream.pipe(outputScripts); } bundleStreams.push(stream); } break; case "fonts": case "images": if (bundle.dist.hasOwnProperty(type)) { stream = gulp.src(bundle.src[type], { allowEmpty: true }); const outputImages = outputChannel(bundle.dist[type], undefined, type)(); if (outputImages) { stream.pipe(outputImages); } bundleStreams.push(stream); } break; } } } return bundleStreams; }; const outputFuncStreams = []; /** * Copy source to output destination * @param bundle */ const outputFunc = (bundle) => { let stream; if (bundle.hasOwnProperty("src") && bundle.hasOwnProperty("dist")) { for (let type in bundle.src) { if (!bundle.src.hasOwnProperty(type)) { continue; } dotPaths(bundle.src[type]); if (bundle.dist.hasOwnProperty(type)) { switch (type) { case "styles": // non rtl styles stream = gulp .src(bundle.src[type], { allowEmpty: true }) .pipe(cssChannel()()); const outputStyles = outputChannel(bundle.dist[type], undefined, type)(); if (outputStyles) { stream.pipe(outputStyles); } outputFuncStreams.push(stream); // rtl styles for scss let shouldRtl = false; if ( typeof build.config.compile.rtl !== "undefined" && build.config.compile.rtl.enabled ) { bundle.src[type].forEach((output) => { if (output.indexOf(".scss") !== -1) { shouldRtl = true; } }); stream = gulp .src(bundle.src[type], { allowEmpty: true }) .pipe(cssChannel(shouldRtl)()) .pipe(rename({ suffix: ".rtl" })); const rtlOutput = outputChannel(bundle.dist[type], undefined, type)(); if (rtlOutput) { stream.pipe(rtlOutput); } outputFuncStreams.push(stream); } break; case "scripts": /** * START: bundle by folder */ bundle.src[type].forEach((file) => { const needBundleFileWildLocation = file.replace( "*.js", "bundle/*.js" ); const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = pathDir.dirname(__filename); const needBundleFiles = glob.sync( path.resolve(__dirname, "../" + needBundleFileWildLocation) ); if (needBundleFiles.length > 0) { const needBundleByGroup = []; needBundleFiles.forEach((js) => { const p = path.dirname(js); if (typeof needBundleByGroup[p] === "undefined") { needBundleByGroup[p] = []; } needBundleByGroup[p].push(js); }); for (let g in needBundleByGroup) { if (!needBundleByGroup.hasOwnProperty(g)) { continue; } const files = needBundleByGroup[g]; // remove ${config.dist} const separatorDir = bundle.dist[type].replace( /{\$config\.dist}/, "" ); // get sub dir const needBundleDir = files[0].split(separatorDir)[1]; const needBundleOutputPath = needBundleDir.replace( /^(.*?)\/(bundle)\/.*?\.(js)$/, "$1.$2.$3" ); const needBundleStream = gulp .src(files) .pipe(concat(needBundleOutputPath)) .pipe(jsChannel()()) .on("error", console.error.bind(console)); const needBundleOutput = outputChannel(bundle.dist[type], undefined, type)(); if (needBundleOutput) { needBundleStream.pipe(needBundleOutput); } outputFuncStreams.push(needBundleStream); // exclude bundle folder from next gulp process bundle.src[type].push( "!" + path .dirname(needBundleFileWildLocation) .replace(/\*+?\/bundle/, "") + needBundleDir.replace(/\/bundle.*?$/, "/**") ); } } }); /** * END: bundle by folder */ stream = gulp .src(bundle.src[type], { allowEmpty: true }) .pipe(jsChannel()()) .on("error", console.error.bind(console)); const output2 = outputChannel(bundle.dist[type], undefined, type)(); if (output2) { stream.pipe(output2); } outputFuncStreams.push(stream); break; default: stream = gulp.src(bundle.src[type], { allowEmpty: true }); const outputDefault = outputChannel(bundle.dist[type], undefined, type)(); if (outputDefault) { stream.pipe(outputDefault); } outputFuncStreams.push(stream); break; } } } } return outputFuncStreams; }; // Exports export { argv, getDemo, getTheme, objectWalkRecursive, dotPath, pathOnly, outputFunc, bundle, getFolders, };