Sub ShowErrorBox(msg,title) Style = vbOKOnly + vbExclamation + vbCritical Ctxt = 1000 Response = msgbox(msg, Style,title, Help, Ctxt) end sub sub ToggleBtn (x,value) if (value = true) then x.disabled = false else x.disabled = true end if end sub sub ToggleLink(x,value) if (value = true) then = "none" x.disabled = false else = "line-through" x.disabled = true end if end sub sub SetVisible(x,value) if (value = true) then = "inline-block" else = "none" end if end sub function RequiredField(FormName,RequiredFieldArray,RequiredFieldNameArray) dim i,data,msg RequiredField = true for each data in FormName if (ucase(data.type)="TEXT") or (ucase(data.type)="FILE") or (ucase(data.type)="PASSWORD") then for i=lbound(requiredFieldArray) to ubound(requiredFieldArray) if then dim test test = IsNull(data.value) if (data.value = "") then msg = "Field '" & RequiredFieldNameArray(i) & "' can not be empty!" ShowErrorBox msg,"Required Field" data.focus() RequiredField = false exit for end if end if next if (RequiredField = false) then exit for end if end if next end function function confirmation(text,title) dim style style = vbYesNo + vbExclamation + vbDefaultButton2 Ctxt = 1000 Response = MsgBox(text, style, title, Help, Ctxt) If Response = vbYes Then confirmation = true else confirmation = false End If End function function alerter(text,title,style) dim defaultStyle defaultStyle = vbOkOnly + vbDefaultButton1 if (style = "") then style = defaultStyle + vbCritical else style = CInt(style) + defaultStyle end if Ctxt = 1000 Response = MsgBox(text, style, title, Help, Ctxt) If Response = vbOk Then alerter = true else alerter = false End If End function