Daeng Deni Mardaeni 5321a5434b first commit
2023-10-02 17:26:17 +07:00

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* MS-Excel stream handler
* This class read/writes a data stream directly
* from/to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
* opened with the xlsfile:// protocol
* This is used to export associative array data directly to MS-Excel
* @requires PHP 4 >= 4.3.2
* @author Ignatius Teo <ignatius@act28.com>
* @copyright (C)2004 act28.com <http://act28.com>
* @version 0.3
* @date 20 Jan 2005
* $Id: excel.php,v 1.3 2005/01/20 09:58:58 Owner Exp $
class xlsStream
/* private */
var $position = 0; // stream pointer
var $mode = "rb"; // default stream open mode
var $xlsfilename = null; // stream name
var $fp = null; // internal stream pointer to physical file
var $buffer = null; // internal write buffer
var $endian = "unknown"; // little | unknown | big endian mode
var $bin = array(
"big" => "v",
"little" => "s",
"unknown" => "s",
* detect server endian mode
* thanks to Charles Turner for picking this one up
* @access private
* @params void
* @returns void
* @see http://www.phpdig.net/ref/rn45re877.html
function _detect()
// A hex number that may represent 'abyz'
$abyz = 0x6162797A;
// Convert $abyz to a binary string containing 32 bits
// Do the conversion the way that the system architecture wants to
switch (pack ('L', $abyz))
// Compare the value to the same value converted in a Little-Endian fashion
case pack ('V', $abyz):
$this->endian = "little";
// Compare the value to the same value converted in a Big-Endian fashion
case pack ('N', $abyz):
$this->endian = "big";
$this->endian = "unknown";
* called by fopen() to the stream
* @param (string) $path file path
* @param (string) $mode stream open mode
* @param (int) $options stream options (STREAM_USE_PATH |
* @param (string) $opened_path stream opened path
function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path)
$url = parse_url($path);
$this->xlsfilename = '/' . $url['host'] . $url['path'];
$this->position = 0;
$this->mode = $mode;
$this->_detect(); // detect endian mode
//@TODO: test for invalid mode and trigger error if required
// open underlying resource
$this->fp = @fopen($this->xlsfilename, $this->mode);
if (is_resource($this->fp))
// empty the buffer
$this->buffer = "";
if (preg_match("/^w|x/", $this->mode))
// write an Excel stream header
$str = pack(str_repeat($this->bin[$this->endian], 6), 0x809, 0x8, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0);
fwrite($this->fp, $str);
$opened_path = $this->xlsfilename;
$this->position = strlen($str);
return is_resource($this->fp);
* read the underlying stream resource (automatically called by fread/fgets)
* @todo modify this to convert an excel stream to an array
* @param (int) $byte_count number of bytes to read (in 8192 byte blocks)
function stream_read($byte_count)
if (is_resource($this->fp) && !feof($this->fp))
$data .= fread($this->fp, $byte_count);
$this->position = strlen($data);
return $data;
* called automatically by an fwrite() to the stream
* @param (string) $data serialized array data string
* representing a tabular worksheet
function stream_write($data)
// buffer the data
$this->buffer .= $data;
$bufsize = strlen($data);
return $bufsize;
* pseudo write function to manipulate the data
* stream before writing it
* modify this to suit your data array
* @access private
* @param (array) $data associative array representing
* a tabular worksheet
function _xls_stream_write($data)
if (is_array($data) && !empty($data))
$row = 0;
foreach (array_values($data) as $_data)
if (is_array($_data) && !empty($_data))
if ($row == 0)
// write the column headers
foreach (array_keys($_data) as $col => $val)
// next line intentionally commented out
// since we don't want a warning about the
// extra bytes written
// $size += $this->write($row, $col, $val);
//$this->_xlsWriteCell($row, $col, $val);
foreach (array_values($_data) as $col => $val)
$size += $this->_xlsWriteCell($row, $col, $val);
return $size;
* Excel worksheet cell insertion
* (single-worksheet supported only)
* @access private
* @param (int) $row worksheet row number (0...65536)
* @param (int) $col worksheet column number (0..255)
* @param (mixed) $val worksheet row number
function _xlsWriteCell($row, $col, $val)
if (is_float($val) || is_int($val))
// doubles, floats, integers
$str = pack(str_repeat($this->bin[$this->endian], 5), 0x203, 14, $row, $col, 0x0);
$str .= pack("d", $val);
// everything else is treated as a string
$l = strlen($val);
$str = pack(str_repeat($this->bin[$this->endian], 6), 0x204, 8 + $l, $row, $col, 0x0, $l);
$str .= $val;
fwrite($this->fp, $str);
$this->position += strlen($str);
return strlen($str);
* called by an fclose() on the stream
function stream_close()
if (preg_match("/^w|x/", $this->mode))
// flush the buffer
$bufsize = $this->_xls_stream_write(unserialize($this->buffer));
// ...and empty it
$this->buffer = null;
// write the xls EOF
$str = pack(str_repeat($this->bin[$this->endian], 2), 0x0A, 0x00);
$this->position += strlen($str);
fwrite($this->fp, $str);
// ...and close the internal stream
return fclose($this->fp);
function stream_eof()
$eof = true;
if (is_resource($this->fp))
$eof = feof($this->fp);
return $eof;
stream_wrapper_register("xlsfile", "xlsStream")
or die("Failed to register protocol: xlsfile");